Wednesday 3 June 2009

Where I'm coming from

I've seen programmes about clearance of rainforest and was aware the destruction was for something called palm oil. I don't know why but I always assumed this was just used in expensive cosmetics and hence I didn't really use it but when this article in the Independent appeared, I realise that my consumer money has been fuelling the demand for palm oil and I had been deluding myself about my own culpability for many years.

I was angry, really angry that I make my contributions monthly to animal charities, dutifully send off donations when they have campaigns for specific items (when I can afford it) but what is the point of that if I've been encouraging the production of cheap palm oil by my consumer choices and these companies have been taking my money whilst encouraging the rainforest to be torn down and making animals like orangutans homeless.

I started reading labels immediately and trying to change what I purchased starting with what I eat and the first meal of the day - breakfast. After only a few days and just a couple of products, I've realised it's not very easy.

1 comment:

  1. I agree no more palm oil!
    I am just starting the palm oil switch now and will be using this website for help!!
    I appulaud you for your efforts and will be commenting a lot.
    Save the orangutans!
